Sunday, January 17, 2010

How can I tell my parents I want to join the military?

I am currently a junior in high school and suddenly took an interest in joining the Army, more specifically a Green Beret. I am looking to go to the United States Military Acadamy for college, and looking to apply soon.

However my parents do not know about me wanting to join the military. I need advice to help me go through this process. Also, any advice for getting into the acadamy would be great.How can I tell my parents I want to join the military?
Try ';Mom, dad-I am going to apply to West Point; I want to join the Army.';; that should work for letting them know. Applying for and getting into West Point are two different things. Get in touch with your guidance counselors at school and they can give you specific guidance on the requirements to apply. You will need a recommendation from your Congressman and I am sure there is other additional, meaning above normal college, requirements. The advice to wait until after you have your degree to tell them so you won't have to go into combat-don't know where he got that information. Commissioned Officers in the military all have degrees and they go to combat with the troops they lead. If you can't get into the USMA then look into Reserve Officer Training Programs (ROTC) at the colleges you are interested in and apply for a scholarship through that program. Also-Recruiters have little to do with officers and officer recruiting, they can provide you with some basic information and let you talk to the Officer Selection people (Marine title not sure about Army) but they don't get to fill their quota's with officers-recruiters are interested in recruiting people to go to boot camp as enlisted not spend four years in college then join as an officer. They will however try to talk you into joining enlisted then going to officer training through one of the enlisted commissioning programs so be careful and make your mind up about what you want to do.How can I tell my parents I want to join the military?
open your mouth and speak words while your parents ears are close enough to hear you
Just tell them. BUT I would wait till I at least had a college education so I didn't have to go into combat, unless you want to go into combat.
MOM DAD..Iam going in the Army..
Don't make a rash decision.

Once you sign up you are theirs. You cannot change your mind. Talk to your parents and ask them for their input. Listen to their advice.

The Recruiters have to get their quota of enlisted.

While it is the right decision for some people, it is not for others.

Talk and find out the ropes. What would you have to accomplish to go in as an officer? Do not Sign anything yet.

Well actually you cannot because you are under 18. Understand that you will be told what to do. Do you like it when your parents tell you what to do? Your parents are pushovers compared to the military.

Remember that the Recruiters are there to sell this to you.

Get the movie Private Benjamin. It is funny every time I see it.

This is not a ';suddenly took interest kind of thing'; It is a life and career decision.

What other careers have you looked into?

What types of things do you like to do? What types of Sports? Hobbies? What subjects do you like in school?

What ever you say the recruiters will say something like, ';Great, you would be perfect for such and such'; But when it is time to commit Such and such won't be needed and you will get whatever the government wants you to do.

This is a big decision for a Junior in High school. Talk to your parents and other relatives. They love you and You will be glad that you had their input.

God Bless you, ;-)
You'll be 18, and they won't be able to stop you. Sign up and tell them after it's too late, they won't have any choice but to support your decision.

As far as the second part, you will need to apply for the academy just like you would for any other school. It may take additional references...maybe you'll want to contact your congressman and get a letter of support.
What made you to suddenly be interested in joining? This should not be done on a sudden whim. It is a very serious thing.

I would suggest you talk to a recruiter. Then do alot of thinking and soul searching.

After you talk to a recruiter and did your thinking, take all the information to your parents. Let them know you have thought about this and talked to the right people and it is what you want to do. Let them know how you feel this will better your life.

In the end, once you are 18, they cannot stop you. They may not like what you are doing, but you will need to do what you feel you have to.
have a sit-down with dad first.
Tell mom and dad that you need to have a talk, and then tell them how you feel and what you would like to do and why. They may or may not understand, but if it's what you really want to do, make sure you explain that to them and ask them to please support your decision. They don't have to like it, but at least support it. My oldest son did that to us when he made the choice to join the Army, I didn't like it, but it was what he wanted to do and he's still in the Army, currently serving his second tour in Iraq, and no matter what, I still support his decision. Good Luck and I wish you the best.
Just talk too them. Trust me they'll understand and may even help you on that road! my niece decided in Jr high that she wanted to join she's will be leaving for marine boot camp soon! Her biggest supporters were her parents who took her to see recruiters in 9th grade and helped her prepare for it. Does your high school have a JROTC? If they do then I recommend you join it b/c that will give you some training you need (like Drill) to better succeed in boot camp! and It may tell you if you really want to join up! Good Luck
Mom, Dad. I've given it allot of thought and I have decided to join the military. Worked for me
Just tell them. Then they'll ask what brought it up, you'll say you just suddenly thought it was a good idea (from the description, it sounds like you descided this on a whim), and they'll tell you what a stupid reason that is to join the military. End of story.
why in the world would you want to do that? Dont be so naive. Please watch this movie before you do it and if you're still not thinking logically, then go risk your life before you are able to drink legally.

Wait till the US troops pull out of Iraq then join!

I hate you become a statistic!

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