Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How to convince my parents that my friends are experienced enough drivers to let me get rides from them?

I am 18, a freshmen at university, and I still don't have a drivers license. My dad is really protective. Lately it's been harder getting around, but my friends offer. My dad INSISTS that I call him for a ride if their parents aren't driving.

How can i convince my dad that I am old enough to go with my friends, and they are experienced enough to drive?How to convince my parents that my friends are experienced enough drivers to let me get rides from them?
time for this little kid to grow up now! You're 18 get a book, study, take the test and get your license! You DON'T need his permission! Get the rides home and telll him to deal with it, you're an adult now and you'll be getting your license shortley! MOVE OUT that's what you need to do! Daddy is just going to HAVE to let go! The rides won't last long, they will get tired of you mooching all the time, so you better get going on getting your license! Have a friedn help you get a car, get a job, buy a car, be an ADULT!How to convince my parents that my friends are experienced enough drivers to let me get rides from them?
you dont parents will always worry
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