Sunday, January 17, 2010

How can i make my parents stop controlling me?

Im 20

And my parents still treat me like im 12. They give me curfews and want me to eat meat. I've told them i do not eat meat but they say Im not allowed. I remind them that im an adult but they say that im an adult when they say.

How can i make them see that they can no longer control me? Can they stop me being vegetarian?How can i make my parents stop controlling me?
At 20 your parents can only control you if you let them.

Just remember that asserting yourself may come at a price.

If you are living under their roof then the best way to resolve a curfew that they impose is to move out %26amp; get a place of your own.

If you aren't ready to get a place of your own, then maybe you aren't ready to assert yourself on the issue of a curfew.

Besides, it is THEIR HOME. Instead of looking at a curfew as an attempt to control YOU, try to look at it as an attempt to control what goes on in their own home. After all it's their right.

As far as the meat thing is concerned, well that's another matter. Now we are talking about your own personal choices about what you put into your own body. If your parents are so inconsiderate that they put meat on your plate when you have clearly stated that you are a practising vegetarian, then maybe it really is time for you to start working on a plan to get a place of your own to live in.

Meanwhile, don't get yourself all worked up about it if they put a bit of meat on your plate, just eat the rest of the meal %26amp; leave the meat where you found it, or better yet, start bringing in your own groceries, %26amp; preparing your own meals.How can i make my parents stop controlling me?
Technically, according to Sociology definitions, you are NOT an adult until you are self-supporting. As long as you are dependent on your parents, financially and otherwise, you are under their rules.

In life, freedom always has a price tag. In your case, freedom from your parents' rules or ';control'; brings the responsibility of becoming an adult.
i think it is time for you to really wake up.

your parents are absolute control freaks.

do you have a job? what is your financial situation? if possible, move out asap. you will discover what it feels like to live without those monsters breathing down your neck .

my problem is kind of similiar!

im 18, and i get treatd as if i am 5...

yahhh idk what to do but id say do what u want! becuz thats wat im goin for and im fixin to have a talk! becuz i hate being treatd like a an adult now and thats how we should get treatd!

put ur f00t down!!!!!! and if all else fells m0ve OUT!!!!
when you live in your own home you can do as you wish... sounds to me you are still living at home, therefore you have to mind your parents.
i always do whatever i want. when my mum get angry,i juz go away,make face.haha
  • nyx cosmetic
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