Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why do people that think they are the best on parenting put other parents down for the way they live.?

Not talking about doing illegal things, or poor parenting methods. But by having there own standards and morals they live by.Why do people that think they are the best on parenting put other parents down for the way they live.?
Honestly, I think it's the same reason children pick on each other. Putting other people down makes them feel better about themselves. For adults, pointing out other peoples ';faults'; makes them feel more righteous.

Somehow our children turn out OK in spite of us, not because of us. Some parents don't understand that.Why do people that think they are the best on parenting put other parents down for the way they live.?
I don't put any emphasis on what others think of my parenting skills. And from the way their own kids turned out, they should be ashamed of themselves.

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