Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I need a sassy comeback for people that question my parenting?

i co-sleep and i always get looks like, ';wow, that's dangerous. you're going to roll over on your baby'; or ';your baby is going to be spoiled'; etc, etc. i know i can drone on about how if you co-sleep correctly that is is actually quite safe and natural, but i need a one-liner that will just tell someone that doesn't understand or care to do the research that i'm not a bad parent for co-sleeping nor is my child going to be a brat because of it.I need a sassy comeback for people that question my parenting?
Ooh Ooh...I've got some for you....

We're spoiling her? Maybe I should return the Mercedes I bought her too.

Oh don't worry, I won't roll over on her. They say that it only happens when you are on drugs and I gave up the meth weeks ago.

We tried to move her to her crib, but she kept climbing back into bed with us.

Yeah we've been thinking of giving up the co-sleeping and just pitching her a tent in the backyard.

And finally....

Wow, I guess I won't be getting that mother of year award that you got. (really bitchy, I know...would be a good one for your MIL)I need a sassy comeback for people that question my parenting?
I know it's too late, but I had to add...

According to Dr. Sears, a renown pediatrician, the only way to ';spoil'; anything (be it a banana or a child) is to leave it alone. Being an attentive parent and choosing attachment parenting (co-sleeping falls into that category) is quite the opposite!

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I loved this question and the answers! Now you have some snappy comebacks and you can take comfort in knowing you're not alone...there are alot of us cosleepers out there...with perfectly well mannered living breathing children!

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I went through the same thing. I am a new mother of an eight month old little girl and the first 3 months of her life she slept with me. I got those shame on you looks from people and I got to where I lied to the pediatrician about it. I hadn't done a whole lot of research on it I just new that if I put her in her bassinet I would get 30min of sleep but if i layed down with her I would get 2-3hrs- for a new mother the choice was easy. I am personally glad I did and I miss those times.

If I had to do it over again I would tell people that sleeping with your infant is as natural as breastfeeding. It feels too right and nuturing to be wrong.
First of all, you psycologically have limitations to how you move when you're asleep (which is why you don't fall off the bed or couch when sleeping there). So, although it MAY have happened to SOMEONE somewhere, it doesn't mean it will happen to you. I would just say ';Well, I believe this is the best thing for me and my child.'; By the way, in my experience a lot of people saying things to me weren't even parents themselves!
First of all, I wouldn't be sharing my sleeping arrangements with people who aren't close friends anyways, and most of the time you'll want to spend the time explaining your views to your close friends. But if you're just telling somoen in public, what you do at home, and they don't like it just say...

Well if my baby was like you, I wouldn't wanna sleep with it either, maybe that's why you're momma put you in another room. She didn't by chance feed you by slingshot did she?

** what exactly is co-sleeping though, just sleeping in the same bed with baby? cos that's been done for what, a zillion years?**
Tell them to mind their own business. My mother in law tells me all the time. I co-sleep with my babies too. I enjoy it and so do they. She bought me a 'co-sleeper' bed for the baby that goes in between hubby and I. I've used it a few times, but my daughter ended up out of it. I don't think it's bad in any way shape or form.
perhaps you should say, 'well what did they do years ago?'

or u could say ' its the only way i can sleep soundly, knowing that my baby is next to me breathing, but when the time comes my baby will be moved to the crib.'

i to will sleep with my baby.

also maybe dont let ppl know what you do in your home, if they ask, just say, 'we get by' and leave it at that.
Hmmm, it really isn't anyone's business, and you shouldn't feel you have to defend your decisions.That being said, I know you can't help but want to say something clever, and the best I can think of is just something casual: ';Each to his own.'; or ';They used to tell you formula was better than breastfeeding, too. Look how that turned out.';
hmm.. i dunno any oneliners but i did the same thing with both my kids.. more so when they were new borns.. i seriously sleep in one position and thats it ill wake up the exact same way every time... not sayin i can control how i sleep.. but its actually kinda weird how i sleep especially when i had my babys in bed with me... anyhow.. i dont think theres anything wrong with it... i would prop pillows around him made sue he was secure and id sleep on the opposite side so i knew there was no way id roll on him... if anything jus tell um to mind there business!!!!!!!!!!!
I co-sleep too. When people back home criticize it, I tell them, ';You co-sleep,don't you? At least the baby doesn't snore!'; My mom always laughs at me and then apologizes. I've done the co-sleeping thing for three kids now, and never had any problems!
When I have my children, I plan on co-sleeping. To all those who are criticizing your methods, whats it to them? Just because it is something that you do and believe in doesn't mean they have to agree. We are all entitled to our own opinions!
i hate parents who think they are soo perfect,and try to change another parent's style.

my aunt is like that.

just say ';mind your own business, raise your kids the way you want, and i'll raise my kid the way i want';

Say: 'Cheers for that.... I'll just be going now, I need to go buy my child some Ritalin now cos that seems to be the 'in thing' at the moment.'

and wait for their reaction. haha.
It's my child. What'd ya think they did before cribs were invented.
Say that she slept *inside* you safely for 10 months, now she can sleep *beside* you!
just tell them to bite you
If sleeping next to your kid was deadly then none of us would be here. It's only in the last few decades that people have become convinced that their babies will die if they're not in a crib. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of great products out there for kids right now, but the companies that manufacture a lot of the things for kids scaremonger to make money.

I seem to recall that the instances of kids dying overnight are lower when they sleep with their parents... hmm, I wonder why.

I slept between my parents for the earlier part of my infancy (I don't remember it) and once in awhile when I was a toddler if I had a nightmare or something. I moved 3,000 miles away from home at 18 and have been self-sufficient since I was 16. I seem to be doing fine. I can't wait to have kids, and when I do, I plan to have them with us. I think all three of us would sleep more tightly.
A sassy comeback means you don't actually want to be nice, right?

If you do want to be nice, you can try something like ';Having baby in bed with us means my husband sleeps on his side and doesn't sore anymore!'; or ';If there were a fire in our house at night (or someone broke in) my baby is much safer next to me than at the other end of the house.';

If you don't want to be nice, you can turn it around and make them sound dumb. ';You're baby sleeps in his own room? Wow, that's dangerous! What if someone tried to kidnap your baby at night (or what if your house caught on fire!?'; You can also try ';I'm sorry, what was that again?'; And then just keep repeating it when ever they tell you? It's like the line in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory where he says ';I'm sorry. You'll have to speak a little louder next time; I'm a triffle deaf in my left ear.';

If it's someone who thinks you'll roll over onto your baby, you can say ';That's funny. I've never rolled onto my husband at night with out knowing it.'; This also works for pets if you have pets. If it's spoiled, you can say ';You're wrong. It's food that spoils. babies learn they are loved.';
I'd say, ';Um yeah, and I guess all those millions of parents for thousands of years were doing it all wrong up until the last half a century when we finally figured out that we know better than the instincts that nature and God gave us.'; While rolling my eyes. As for the danger argument, I always say, ';Do you ever roll off the bed? No? Yet you think I'd roll onto my baby, something much worse than rolling off a bed?'; What people don't understand is that in light sleep we have an awareness of what's around us, and in deep sleep we are essentially paralyzed. The only danger of rolling onto a baby is with someone who is drugged or drunk.

And, um, how exactly is meeting their needs for closeness and affection (positive things) going to create negative behavior? Yeah, that makes so much sense. (rolling eyes again)

Someone wrote above: ';you are simply making life harder for both yourself and your child in the future.'; That all depends on what your expectations are. It's not an issue for us because we're happy to have our kids sleep with us as long as they feel most secure doing so. (I'd rather sleep with a sweet child than my sweaty, snoring husband, for what it's worth.) But yeah, if you are crazy to get away from your kids, better start that detachment as early as possible do as to train them out of their natural urges for affection. Definitely a good plan.
I co-slept with my daughter from birth until she was 6 months old. She is fine, and as far as I can tell she isn't spoiled. (But that's a mother's opinion..lol) I always told people to just mind their own business, They can raise their kids how they want and I'll raise mine the way I want. As long as she is happy and healthy it's really none of their concern.

My step-mother is always making snide comments on how I parent her, but the way I look at it, of her 6 kids, only one speaks to her and the other 5 will have nothing to do with her, she has no place to tell me how to raise my child.

So, I say kudos to you for doing what you believe is best for you and your child. Don't let other people let you feel bad about your choices. Sorry I didn't have a good line for you, but I wanted to give you some encouragement.
while you may not want to hear it, people are saying this to you for good reason, not cos you will roll onto your child (extremely unlikely) but you are simply making life harder for both yourself and your child in the future. When it comes time for your child to sleep on its own, your gonna have your hands full! You don't want your child to be distressed, yet by doing what your doing, your baby will be twice as upset when it comes time to move into its own bed, not to mention the affect it could have on your child developing independence. I know its hard to hear, I have kids too, but believe me, you'll be better off in the long term!
There is a lot of different opinions on baby sleep issues, especially due to SIDS. If you feel strongly about your case and have extensive medical backing to say it's ok, prepare for a long conversation or avoid the issue.

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