Monday, May 10, 2010

How can I get my parents to homeschool me?

I want to be homeschooled. I HATE public schools, and private school is too expensive. I want to be homeschooled. I am about to enter high school- the largest in the state I live in, and it has a history of drugs and weapons being brought in by students. My dad works, but my mom does not. They say they want me to go to public school because High School is supposed to not only be about acedemics, but about socialization. I couldn't care less if I don't make new friends. I have plenty of old ones. I do not like to hang out with friends at all on weekends/during summer. I guess I'm more of a loner. I like being by myself. I'm really smart, and even my honors classes never seem to move fast enough. I NEED to be homeschooled! Any ideas to convince them?????How can I get my parents to homeschool me?
Wow...what is it with the ';socialization'; crowd being out tonight? High school is not all about socialization, it's about getting an education.

As a high schooler, and an honor student at that, you should be well able to home school yourself. And for those idiots...oops, I mean naysayers...that say that you're missing out, or you're not being socialized, high school is nothing like real life. With a homeschool atmosphere, you're socialized by the actual real world, in real world applications. You don't have to go through a metal detector to get to your desk, you don't get offered drugs in the bathroom across from your room, and unless your little brother is really don't get beat up in the back yard.

Rather, you get to study at your own pace, and get used to being responsible for your own work (rather than having your teachers dictate your every move). You get to study what you're interested in, in a way that makes sense to you, rather than having to go by the lesson plan and the courses offered at your school. You don't have to sit by, bored out of your mind, while others try to catch up to what you already understand.

And socially...geez, why do people think that homeschoolers sit at the kitchen table with the shades drawn all day, every day? Homeschooled high schoolers are able to work during the day, are able to take on volunteer opportunities, to take college classes while in high school, and to participate in activities that otherwise wouldn't be opened to them. They also get to take part in sports, prom, debate team, yearbook club, internships, and whatever else they want to.

And honestly, being in high school, you can pretty much homeschool yourself. Your mom can help you figure out a reasonable amount of work each week, but you can figure out the material and just ask her for help when you need it. Heck, my 9yo is responsible for about half of his subjects, and is completely independent in them. He just asks me on the rare occasion that he doesn't understand...otherwise, he watches or reads the lesson, does the work, and I grade it (he rarely gets below a 98%).

If you go to… and click on your state, you can find out the homeschool requirements in your state...and if you go to… you can look through a myriad of curriculum options and see if there's something you like. At the first site, you can also find some homeschool groups in your area; ask your mom if she would at least call the leaders of one or two of them, to ask them any questions she may have, before making her decision.

Homeschooling can be a scary option for parents - I know I was scared stiff when my son begged to be homeschooled, and he was only 6.5. What really helped me was reading some books from the library (look in the 365's, there should be some good ones) and talking with other homeschool moms. These two things showed me that I really could do what was right for my son by homeschooling him...and convinced me that it was really possible, that I could do it.

I completely understand what you're saying (though I would suggest approaching your parents in a well-thought-out, somewhat objective manner), and I wish you all luck in reaching your goals.How can I get my parents to homeschool me?
Maybe you should remind your parents that socialisation and socialising are not the same thing!

I'd say that if you want to convince them to come round to your point of view then you need to approach it in a mature way: do the research, send away for information, brochures etc that you and your parents can read through, invite other homeschooling parents to meet with them (try your local homeschooling group if you don't know anyone else who homeschools). Actually it might be worth you contacting your local homeschooling group in any case - they can probably offer you more information than a lawyer!

Your parents might take you more seriously if you base your arguments on why you believe homeschooling would be best for you rather than complaining about all the things you feel are wrong with your current school - you don't want to give them a reason to dismiss your arguments as nothing more than sour grapes.

Try to ascertain what 'homeschooling' means to your parents - are they saying 'No' because they think they'll have to teach you or that it will be expensive or damage your chances of getting into Uni (they won't and it won't!).

Don't sulk, whinge, threaten or chuck tantrums though...unless your's are the sort of parents who respond well to manipulation and emotional blackmail!

Finally, if your parents are worried that, without going to school, you'll never socialise with any of your peers...then show them that no-one, not even you, has to go to school to have a decent social life! Take the time to get out into your community and join in with the many social activities (sports groups, community drama groups, TAFE classes, volunteering, anything) that are going on around you. That way, they'll probably be far less worried about you cutting yourself off from other kids if they let you quit school and therefore they'll be far more prediposed to let you homeschool instead.
Tell them how you feel about going to Public High School if you haven't already. I went and couldn't stand it so I'm so much happier now. Since you're in honor classes I'm pretty sure you can do most of the work yourself they would just need to grade it. Most programs with home schooling have lesson plans and answer books so it takes the guess work out. If they're worried about your social life you can still join different groups and play sports ect.

Good luck I hope everything works out well for you! :)
study girl. get all the info on how it works for home schooling and present it. Then get info on after school groups at gyms or clubs set up for kids your age that you would like that well get your socialization skills that they want therefor covering all your bases making all of you happy

remember there are lots of groups for your age basketball, baseball, dancing, arobics, arts groups, book clubs, and so on
i had to beg my parents to get me out of a private school. are you very responsible? tell them you will stay on top of your studies, you can get a job maybe and that is enough socialism. homeschooling does not mean you have stopped connection with the world. tell them you are looking for a better education and you can socialize in college. besides tell them you do not want to put your life in peril with the aweful characteristics of the world. are they agraid to homeschool you? because you can tell them my mom educates 6 of us! and i ace just about everything but i am able to suppliment myself way better! yahoo. pray about it. it always works
Your mother opposes it not because she thinks its bad for you, but because she's been used to school as a babysitter for the past 8 years and she enjoys lounging around the house 8 hours a day without a whole lot of responsiblity.

I'd suggest you do grade 9 @ school, and make your decision in april / may for your grade 10 year.

I'd call teen hotlines, a lawyer (find one who'll give you a free consultation) and start asking ';Grandma'; if she'll do it for you.

Today, highschools are nothing but feminist breeding grounds to indoctrinate boys into emasculated pussy's with aims to empower girls to better compete against them in the workforce. The entire curriculum has been changed to favor girls over boys (from testing methods to theory to self esteem issues.)

There's also the issue of being exposed to an exploding number of losers (products of single parent homes) that are responsible for 90% of societies crime, rapes, violence, and murder. When people get older, they always say (smart ones) ';Avoid the negative people in your life.';

High school (for geeks) is one such time I agree with this. Being around people who need to put you down (soley, or in groups) does nothing more than lower your self esteem and put chips on your shoulders. The only reason they put you down is to feel better about their own insecurities.

Another issue is suicide. 50 years ago, men / women suicides were 1 to 1. Today they are 5 to 1, in large part due to the anti-male educational system hijacked by man hating lesbians.

Proof of these effects can be found everywhere, concerning teenage boy suicides, depression, anger and killing sprees.

Those kids who go around murdering people do so because they're put down over and over by their peers, the media, TV, and their educational system guilted into promoting girls, supressing / shaming / alienating boys and their masculinity.

Finally, ignore the negative posts in here, and take advice from the positive ones. Best of luck buddy, I'm one of many people who support your views.
Well, I can arm you with something.

A college study has shown that the AVERAGE (and you may be less than average, only time will tell) homeschool student is 2 years above the average public school student.

Also COLLEGE give extra emphises in homeschooled students.

A homeschooled student who only did 95% on the SAT might get into Harvard while 1,100 high school students who did 100% got rejected.
Actually, you don't *need* to be homeschooled--you really, really, really, really want to. It's an important distinction. You might be unhappy in public school, but you don't need to be homeschooled.

It's doubtful that you're going to convince them so close to the start of the school year. It's especially doubtful since their reason is for the socializing but you are a loner--they may have images of you in their heads just sitting around at home never connecting with others. However, you might be able to convince them during the school year. Keep a notebook for socialization observations. Write down everything: the girls who are pregnant, the weapons you see, the drugs and alcohol you smell on other students, the parties you know of, etc. You can then discuss with them exactly the type of social skills that are being modelled at school.

While you're at it, as much of a loner as you may be, find some local homeschooling groups and see if there are teen activities going on for kids your age. If you can make a good friend you actually would like to have over now and then, it might make a good impression on your parents and they may feel differently about the need for high school socializing.
homeschool - lack of socialization with peers of different ethnic and religious backgrounds; fear of religious or social extremism; that homeschool curricula often exclude critical subjects; that parents are sheltering their children, or denying them opportunities that are their right such as social development, or providing an unfair advantage over students whose parents lack the time or money to homeschool.

in public school, you can share and listen to other students discussion about a subject. share opinions, work together in a group, discuss the problem together in a class and more.

in homeschool, you are alone. you cant listen to other student's thought and idea. you cant share your thought. go to homeschool group and discuss the problems about the subject? just how many people du think they study the same subject, same chapter, same page, or same problem as you? when you get together with them, you will automatically start to talk about tvs, shopping, and so on.

homeschool can potentially give students a very one-sided view of things, as their parents may, even unwittingly, block or diminish all points of view but their own in teaching. This may make students unable to think for themselves or to adapt to multiple points of view. To learn, theres nowhere better than in a class.

drug, guns, and violent? it happens everywhere, not just school. so are you gonna work at home too in the future? as someone said it here, if homeschool is that great, why didnt the government just close all the school and recommend everyone to homeschool? why do we spend a lot of money on school and education? one answerer above said shes a public school teach but her kid is homeschooling. man. maybe we should just close all the schools. and tell bush to remove the ';No Child Left Behind Act '; and replace it with ';';No Child Left Home Act ';.

WOW! Red H, i agree with you. Christvet is an idiot. highschools are nothing but feminist breeding grounds to indoctrinate boys into emasculated *****'s with aims to empower girls to better compete against them in the workforce?

what kinda BS is this? Todaym men still have higher opportunity than mean highschools are nothing but feminist breeding grounds to indoctrinate YOU into emasculated...... LOL!! damn man, Hve you been there? you are really a loser. cant believe you lost to girls. i bet you cant survive in the public.

';High school (for geeks) is one such time I agree with this. Being around people who need to put you down (soley, or in groups) does nothing more than lower your self esteem and put chips on your shoulders. The only reason they put you down is to feel better about their own insecurities.';

LMAO!!!!! just blame yourself for not smart and strong enough. you are weak. not just in the school, when you go to work, people in your workplace may do the same to you. that's the world we live in. strongs eat weaks. its not about public school. see, you need to go outside and see the society. dont just stay home or in your little community. so are you gonna work at home too after you graduate from home and get the homemade diploma? HAHA...

';ignore the negative posts in here, and take advice from the positive ones.';

see what i mean? like i said above. one-sided view of things, even unwittingly, block or diminish all points of view but their own in teaching. No wonder hes weak. he cant take the negative/harsh opinion. ignore the negative post?

asker, Never ignore the negative, just think about it. Sometimes negative opinions have more value 'cuz they point out the problem that you may not see. Homeschools have pro and cons, dont just take the pros and ignore the negative that may effect you someday completely. Dont just take the opinion from other homeschoolers, think about the opposite as well before you make a dicision. Of course they are gonna say ';Yes';, its preditable. Blind leads blind will get you nowhere. My younger brother(hes adopted, not my real brother), was homeschooled, i can tell you honestly, its not as that good as they say.

yea, to a homeschooler like you, its nonsence. homesechooler never take negative comments. its ok, its understandable.
just tell them exactly what you told us. it might work. if you need some good circulum Switched on schoolhouse is good its all on the computer and a beka book is good too

hey all of you who hate homeschoolers, and say they don't have a social life well your wrong i'm homeschooled and i have a very good social life. and they took tests and stuff and found out that homeschoolers are actually smarter then you guys that go to BAD schools. so take that, and don't be so mean. homeschooling is REALLy good. i love it. and you do have a big social life, espcially if you already went to school and have friends from school
JZ, what your posted about homeschool is utter nonsense.
Neither you nor your parents understand home schooling. Your parents need to want to home school you. Home schoolers are much better socially and are able to pursue their natural gifts and talents. More importantly, home school is predicated on learning, not on passing everyone to the next grade within 180 days.

Contact your local home school association and/or your home school assistance group in your local school district.
1.tell them u will drop out if they dont homeschool u...i was homeschooled before and it was only my mom if ur mom stays home from work it will be no problem for her tell her watchu just told us
Show them Deuteronomy 6:4-9.
You should find out about homeschool groups in your town. They have activitys and groups for highschoolers. Some, in bigger cities, even have proms. Also, tell your parents exactly why you hate public school. Maybe they don't know.

Are you in any clubs? Do you go to church? Remind your parents about any socizing you already do. And if you have a particular intrest (musical instrument, sport, hobby) use it to socialize.
You do not say how old you are currently; if you are old enough, are your parents open to letting you get a GED, and move on to a community college?

This would not place them in a position of having to take charge of your education, and it may offer a compromise to your current situation.

Many home schooled students go to work part, or full-time, and take community college classes around the age of 16, because most have either finished, or are close to finishing a high school program.

There are several sites you can get information on home schooling; here are a few:

Bring some solutions, and options to the table; do the research, have a talk with your parents, and respectfully state your side, but remember your parents only want what's best for you.

Good luck.


Rocks; That is really not such a bad idea, for the students that is.

I say give them a choice, teens are much more astute, and capable; often we just do not give them enough credit.
Depending on your state, you might have the option of virtual homeschool... it is still public school but done at home on the computer. Don't isolate yourself... even as a web designer, you need a break from the computer AND you need to spend time with other people. (speaking from experience here!). Using a virtual school (or a correspondence school) would give someone else oversight on your work (not your mom) to hold you accountable.

FL has YOu can go to these websites and see if your state has one too.

You could also think about a correspondence school like Penn Foster High School

A correspondence school will mail you your books and then you will take your exams on-line.
If you are homeschooled you will have more time for friends because you will be able to join a homeschool group. These kids get together a few times a week, sometimes every day and they have art classes and sports together. See if you can find your local homeschooling group. I got lucky because we just moved to a different state and the homeschool group is a few miles down the road. There are about 60+ families that attend.
read a little bit about it on google or something

Then try to make a persuasive argument .

If that doesnt work go to the best highschool in your opinion available even if you dont know anyone their since you are a loner.

if the best optional hs doesnt work u can always try boarding schools away from parents tv, cafeteria,internet, like a college but not as hard
can you tell me where you got those statistic? from your head?

since you all said homeschoolers are that great, we should just close all the school and let all the kid homeschooling then. hows that?
Your parents love you thats why! You need to do things that aren't exactly what you want.

And just think if you were home schooled you be in the same category as chrisvet- talk about somebody that's inferiority in action!!!

EDIT go bittyboyx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you said ';They say they want me to go to public school because High School is supposed to not only be about acedemics, but about socialization. I couldn't care less if I don't make new friends. I have plenty of old ones. I do not like to hang out with friends at all on weekends/during summer.';. Socialization is not about how many friends you have.

i can understand your parents. i am on their side. if i have kids someday, i wont home schooling them, unless they are physically disabled or really sick. public/private schools are much better than home school. if 2 people have the same education level and skill and they try to apply for a job, one is a home schooler. the company would pick the home schooler last. cuz he has less social/public communication skill, doesnt matter how many friends he/she has. and who would like to stay at home all day long?
they are better socially? can you give me an example? a guy who stays at home all the long is better socially? so you think a person who doesnt go out much has better social skill than an outgoing guy, huh? i bet you are a homeschooler too. and have 2 classes for 1 hour each everyday and have a prom in the living room every year. LOL!!!!!!!

students who go to public/private school have wider range of knowledge, they know more. they have 7-8 different classes each day, different teachers, classmates, and have better opportunity. if you are not disabled or sick, why homeschooling? like bitboy said, if you the HS that you are about to go is that bad, go to the other one.

i am on your parents side. i agree with them 100%. damn public school was damn fun, especially PE class. are you gonna have PE class in the living room, too? how many subject are you gonna study at home? 7 subjects like student in public school each day? are you gonna hire 7 teachers? LOL!

'; I HATE public schools';. homeschool originally created for people who are disabled or have serious illness. not for those who hates public school.
Have you considered that maybe your parents do not feel that they are qualified to teach you? Deciding to start homeschooling your child is a life-changing decision; one not to be taken lightly. Your parents may not feel that they can give you the best education possible; that the teachers at your public school are better qualified than they are (even if not by much).

And socialization is not strictly about making new friends. It's learning how to interact with other people and how to deal with situations you wouldn't normally deal within the con fins of your home.
Tell them that, all you want for a birthday present ,is that they grant you the opportunity to be home schooled.

You can also tell your uncles/aunts to intercede on your behalf to convince them.

You can also call a lawyer on the phone and ask him/her what your rights are as a child.Ask them(lawyers) if teenagers your age have rights.

I lost two brothers, due to a high school fight when ended up with gun shots.Be serious when talking to them.Cry even if you have to.I don't think you can be forced to do something/or attend an institution against your will.

Speak with a lawyer on the phone just to see if the can help you with some tips on what to do.
Homeschoolers.... Everyday when they get up in the morning to go to school, they head right for their computer or their kitchen table. OOOO...';Social';. LOL! most homeschooler are introverted, which is bad.

and just because you are about to enter the crappy HS, the worse HS in the city, doesnt mean all public schools are suck. just blame yourself for not smart enough to get into a good HS. HAha...

so come on Homeschooler, give me all the thumb downs you want. i like it!!

';I'm really smart, and even my honors classes never seem to move fast enough';

great, you are smarter in certain subjects but that doesnt mean you know more stuffs than public schooler. and since you said you are that smart, why cant you pick the best public HS in the city? why cant you get scholarship and get to a good private school?

';I guess I'm more of a loner. I like being by myself';

see what homeschooler like? just as i said, introverted. come on, man. if you keep homeschooling and you will become a more boring person. LOL!

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