My daughter is 2 1/2 and I would have to say that parenting has been much easier than I thought it would be. Im not going to say there havent been hard times, but in general my daughter is extremely easy going and has been her whole life. It makes me scared to have another one, they will probably be the exact opposite :)Has parenting been easier/harder, better/worse than you thought it would be?
its always a challenge but at the same time a joy. my boy has his trying days and he also has his terrible days too. i love it all its part of what i new was coming.
In all honesty and fairness I think bringing him ( my 2 month and 3 week old baby boy) into the world was much harder than raising him so far. He is an easy going baby. Only ';whines'; when he is hungry or getting his diaper changed. He has only cried literally twice since being in the world. 1st time when he got his first shots and second time in the car accident we were in. The hard part is being away from family and friends whom want to meet him (we are stationed overseas). I would do anything for my son. And can't imagine my life without him. Its easy being a parent. But it has its extremely hard moments. Some of those moments make you want to cry.
So far so good! I've had a fairly easy time so far, I also have a very easy going baby. I am slightly afraid to have another one because my daughter is SO good! lol.
My son's amazing, a total joy. He's a really easy going baby too. I'm a single mother and hearing everyone talk when I was pregnant I thought this was going to be pure torture-not the case. I can still do everything I liked to do before only now it's more fun. I love it too, he's made my life so much more meaningful.
It's a lot easier than I thought it would be.. My baby is really good.. I couldn't imagine having a colicky baby. My husband and I don't get a long like we used to.. that's the only thing that's changed....
it's hard work but so worth it!
total joy... changing diapers with a smile.. seriously , small kids are so funny , they always want to play...I never got bored with my kid.. mine doesn't cry for nothing , only if there is a problem
I am 54 years old and he is only 5 :)
lots more things to do...i worry so much, and i don't get out as much, but my son's smile totally makes up for all of it
for me i pretty much do the same things i always did, sometimes it may take a lil longer to leave the house. it is a lil bit harder than what i thought, since my son is 8months, has 7teeth already and still wakes up about 5 times a night and is attached to me like no other. but its wonderful...i totally love it and wouldnt change it for the world!
My daughter gave me the courage to change my miserable life and leave a dead-end depressing marriage.
She is a reason for me to smile every minute of every day. Literally owe her my life.
Parenthood is so difficult that sometimes I feel a little scared.
my son has had such a huge inpact on my life and i wouldnt change it for the world he is what made me who i am today..yes there are times when its really hard...i cant really say anything bad because it hasnt been bad (yet) my son is very good at keeping himself content at 3 1/2 m/o while i do cleaning or laundry and it does make things so easy
parenting when they were younger was a joy even when my youngest had colic and reflux.
now they are older and i am a single parent the challenges and frustrations are at time insurmountable.
at the end of the day I love them so much and that is what counts.
being a teenager has its challenges for both the parent and the child.
good luck with yours when they become teenagers.
me too.....very pleased with my life as a mother......i think a combination of my daughter's personalities with my parenting style have the made the road pretty easy
i too have not let my children hinder me from having a life....they go with me!! the very inappropriate places like nightclubs and bars(obvious)
but sleeping, baby wearing and breastfeeding have really made it all so much easier than i ever thought....i have a peaceful happy household (besides when my husband is being a brat!! haaaaa)
i think the ppl that have a hard time with newborns either have colicky babies OR they experiencing breastfeeding difficulties and need some professional help OR they are formula feeding, sleep training and trying to detach themselves period from their baby making things so much harder than it has to be
with my first two i loved every second, now i have twins and i love it but it is way more hard then ever! sleep is hard to come by with 2 at the same time, but honestly i wouldnt chage it for the world!! it gets eaiser in time and we all miss these moments where were so tired but we are holding the sweetest thing in the world!!!
I have a ';good'; baby too. I agree with you that some people say it is so hard. I have not experienced that. I bet it would be difficult if my baby cried a lot for no reason, but she doesn't. She is happy most of the time, unless she needs a diaper change, is hungry, or tired. It is a lot easier than I thought it would be.
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