Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why can't I see the Parenting top contributers anymore?

I use to see ';olschoolmom'; at the top of the Parenting board, but I don't see that anymore. Then there use to be a link up there that will list the top 10 contributers for the Parenting section, but I don't see it anywhere!

Did Yahoo take it down? Is it somewhere else? Why don't I see it anywhere?

Thanks. :)Why can't I see the Parenting top contributers anymore?
It probably was a Yahoo glitch, because I noticed that too earlier today. But it's there now, so try looking for it again! :)

I think I read Yahoo will be planning to fix some glitches on the site (problems users were complaining about), so who knows what we should expect in the days to come!Why can't I see the Parenting top contributers anymore?
It may just be y!a glitching again.

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