Thursday, December 31, 2009

Can parents force their teenage daughters to get an abortion?

In NZ by the way but I assume that the laws would be similar to the USA, UK, and Aus etc.

If a parent has their teenage daughter become pregnant can they force her to have an abortion?

-AcharyA.Can parents force their teenage daughters to get an abortion?
';The core legislation pertaining to is the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977, and it enacted parallel specifications through amendment of the Guardianship Act 1968 (retained in the Care of Children Act 2004) and Section 187A of the Crimes Act 1961. These provisions enable women to undergo confidential medical consultation after they have seen two certifying consultant medical practitioners.';

Current New Zealand law allows for abortions to be performed for the following reasons, providing the abortion is approved by two certifying consultants:

[a.1]to save the life of the woman.

[b.2]to preserve the physical health of the woman.

[c]to preserve the mental health of the woman.

[d]foetal impairment*

[e] in cases of incest

Other factors which may be considered, but are not in themselves grounds for abortion,

[a.2]cases of rape

[b.2]certain social factors (e.g., the girl's age in a teenage pregnancy)

(It should be noted that New Zealand has no parental notification restrictions on under-sixteen access for abortion, and that a recent attempt to introduce such restrictions into the Care of Children Act 2004 was heavily defeated in New Zealand's Parliament)

Abortion is not allowed under any circumstances after 20 weeks of pregnancy except to save the woman's life.

But in short. No,

Maybe with a large legal defense you could dispute it in a court, and force a abortion on someone else. But as of yet in NZ, She is her own entity and can legally make these types of decisions regardless of age and who is in custodial control at the time of contraception.Can parents force their teenage daughters to get an abortion?
No! She has say in it, even more so than you do! Why would you even consider forcing your own child do go through something so horribly life changing (I am in no way saying that having a child isn't life changing), that she will likely regret for the rest of her life (or even grow to hate you for it)? I am not for teen pregnancy, but, if I ever have a teenage girl who gets pregnant, she will always have my support with raising her child. Abortion is not birth control, nor is it the parent of the pregnant teen's right to choose it for her without her consent.
No, they cannot. If you are in trouble, go to your local Catholic priest. He can help you.
No they cannot ';make'; her. But they can make life hard for her if she doesn't, and that may change her mind. Being a teenage mother takes alot of family support, and if she doesn't get that, she may want to consider it, or adoption
Nope I don't believe so. All the teenage daughter has to do is tell the doctor no. They need her consent to do the procedure.
no they cant force you to get an abortion but they could tell you they would want you to get 1 (if thats how they felt) but they couldnt force you to get 1
No, no one can force a woman to discontinue a pregnancy against her will, even if she is a minor. This is true of all civilized countries.
I do now know the law, but on conjecture i would say no. The baby is belongs to the girl not her parents.
no they cannt force her
no they cannot.
nope not at all

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